Source code for issm.vilje

import subprocess
from fielddisplay import fielddisplay
from pairoptions import pairoptions
from issmssh import issmssh
from issmscpin import issmscpin
from issmscpout import issmscpout
from QueueRequirements import QueueRequirements
import datetime
	from vilje_settings import vilje_settings
except ImportError:
	print 'You need to proceed, check presence and sys.path'
[docs]class vilje(object): """ Vilje cluster class definition Usage: cluster=vilje(); """ def __init__(self,*args): # {{{ = 'vilje' self.login = '' self.numnodes = 2 self.cpuspernode = 32 self.procspernodes = 16 self.mem = 28 self.queue = 'workq' self.time = 2*60 self.codepath = '' self.executionpath = '' self.interactive = 0 self.port = [] self.accountname = '' #use provided options to change fields options=pairoptions(*args) #initialize cluster using user settings if provided self=vilje_settings(self) #OK get other fields self=options.AssignObjectFields(self)*self.procspernodes # }}} def __repr__(self): # {{{ # display the object s = "class vilje object:" s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'name','name of the cluster')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'login','login')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'numnodes','number of nodes')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'cpuspernode','number of nodes per CPUs (32)')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'procspernodes','number of mpi procs per nodes')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'mem','node memory')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'queue','name of the queue (test is an option, workq the default)')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'time','walltime requested in minutes')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'codepath','code path on the cluster')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'executionpath','execution path on the cluster')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'interactive','')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'accountname','your cluster account')) return s # }}}
[docs] def checkconsistency(self,md,solution,analyses): # {{{ #Queue dictionarry gives queu name as key and max walltime and cpus as var queuedict = {'workq':[5*24*60, 30], 'test':[30,4]} QueueRequirements(queuedict,self.queue,,self.time) #Miscelaneous if not self.login: md = md.checkmessage('login empty') if not self.codepath: md = md.checkmessage('codepath empty') if not self.executionpath: md = md.checkmessage('executionpath empty') if self.interactive==1: md = md.checkmessage('interactive mode not implemented') return self
# }}}
[docs] def BuildQueueScript(self,dirname,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof,isdakota,isoceancoupling): # {{{ executable='issm.exe' if isdakota: version=IssmConfig('_DAKOTA_VERSION_')[0:2] version=float(version) if version>=6: executable='issm_dakota.exe' if isoceancoupling: executable='issm_ocean.exe' #write queuing script shortname=modelname[0:min(12,len(modelname))] fid=open(modelname+'.queue','w') fid.write('#PBS -S /bin/bash\n') fid.write('#PBS -N %s \n' % shortname) fid.write('#PBS -q %s \n' % self.queue) fid.write('#PBS -l select=%i:ncpus=%i:mpiprocs=%s\n' % (self.numnodes,self.cpuspernode,self.procspernodes)) timeobj=datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.time) m,s=divmod(timeobj.total_seconds(), 60) h,m=divmod(m, 60) timestring="%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s) fid.write('#PBS -l walltime=%s\n' % timestring) #walltime is hh:mm:ss #fid.write('#PBS -l mem=%igb\n' % self.mem) fid.write('#PBS -A %s\n' % self.accountname) fid.write('#PBS -o %s/%s/%s.outlog \n' % (self.executionpath,dirname,modelname)) fid.write('#PBS -e %s/%s/%s.errlog \n\n' % (self.executionpath,dirname,modelname)) fid.write('export ISSM_DIR="%s/../"\n' % self.codepath) fid.write('module load intelcomp/17.0.0\n') fid.write('module load mpt/2.14\n') fid.write('module load petsc/3.7.4d\n') fid.write('module load parmetis/4.0.3\n') fid.write('module load mumps/5.0.2\n') fid.write('cd %s/%s/\n\n' % (self.executionpath,dirname)) fid.write('mpiexec_mpt -np %i %s/%s %s %s/%s %s\n' % (,self.codepath,executable,str(solution),self.executionpath,dirname,modelname)) fid.close()
# }}}
[docs] def UploadQueueJob(self,modelname,dirname,filelist): # {{{ #compress the files into one zip. compressstring='tar -zcf %s.tar.gz ' % dirname for file in filelist: compressstring += ' %s' % file,shell=True) print 'uploading input file and queueing script' issmscpout(,self.executionpath,self.login,self.port,[dirname+'.tar.gz'])
# }}}
[docs] def LaunchQueueJob(self,modelname,dirname,filelist,restart,batch): # {{{ print 'launching solution sequence on remote cluster' if restart: launchcommand='cd %s && cd %s && qsub %s.queue' % (self.executionpath,dirname,modelname) else: launchcommand='cd %s && rm -rf ./%s && mkdir %s && cd %s && mv ../%s.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf %s.tar.gz && qsub %s.queue' % (self.executionpath,dirname,dirname,dirname,dirname,dirname,modelname) issmssh(,self.login,self.port,launchcommand)
# }}}
[docs] def Download(self,dirname,filelist): # {{{ #copy files from cluster to current directory directory='%s/%s/' % (self.executionpath,dirname) issmscpin(,self.login,self.port,directory,filelist)
# }}}