This page describes another example that does not require any external data; the “3rd Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project”.
Set up the model¶
First, import all the packages we will need:
import issm as im
import numpy as np
Next, create some variables to use later on which set the physics and output directories to save too:
# directories for saving data :
mdl_odr = 'HO' #'FS' # [H]igher [O]rder momentum
lat_slip = True # let the velocity slip on the edges
name = 'lateral_slip' # the name of the simulation
if mdl_odr == 'HO': mdl_pfx = 'BP'
else: mdl_pfx = mdl_odr
out_dir = './results/' + mdl_pfx + '/' # directory for data
# create the output directory if it does not exist :
import os
d = os.path.dirname(out_dir)
if not os.path.exists(d):
Next, create an empty model
instance and name the simulation:
md = im.model()
md.miscellaneous.name = name
The input variables are provided by [asay-davis_2016]:
Lx = 640000.0 # [m] domain length (along ice flow)
Ly = 80000.0 # [m] domain width (across ice flow)
dx = 10000.0 # [m] element diameter
nx = int(Lx/dx) # [--] number of x-coordinate divisions
ny = int(Ly/dx) # [--] number of y-coordinate divisions
B0 = -150.0 # [m] bedrock topography at x = 0
B2 = -728.8 # [m] second bedrock topography coefficient
B4 = 343.91 # [m] third bedrock topography coefficient
B6 = -50.57 # [m] second bedrock topography coefficient
xbar = 300000.0 # [m] characteristic along-flow length scale of bedrock
fc = 4000.0 # [m] characteristic width of channel walls
dc = 500.0 # [m] depth of the trough compared to its walls
wc = 24000.0 # [m] half width of the trough
zd = -720.0 # [m] maximum depth of the bedrock topography
thklim = 10.0 # [m] thickness limit
rhow = 1028.0 # [kg m^-3] density of seawater
rhoi = 918.0 # [kg m^-3] density of glacier ice
g = 9.81 # [m s^2] gravitational acceleration
spy = 31556926.0 # [s a^-1] seconds per year
Hini = 100.0 # [m] initial ice thickness
Tm = 273.15 # [K] melting temperature of ice
n = 3.0 # [--] Glen's exponent
A = 2e-17 # [Pa^{-n} s^{-1}] flow
beta = 1e4 # [Pa m^{-1/n} a^{-1/n}] friction coefficient
p = 3.0 # [--] Paterson friction exponent one
q = 0.0 # [--] Paterson friction exponent two
adot = 0.3 # [m a^{-a}] surface-mass balance
tf = 20000.0 # [a] final time
dt = 1 # [a] time step
dt_sav = 10.0 # [a] time interval to save data
cfl = 0.5 # [--] CFL coefficient
num_p = 2 # [--] number of processor cores to use
Next, we make a simple two-dimensional box mesh with nx
cells in the \(x\) direction and ny
cells in the \(y\) directions over a width of Lx
and height Ly
using squaremesh
md = im.squaremesh(md, Lx, Ly, nx=nx, ny=ny)
Let the entire domain be defined over grounded ice with setmask
md = im.setmask(md, 'all', '')
It will be helpful for the rest of the script to set up the element-wise multiplicative identities now:
# rank-zero tensor vertex ones vector :
v_ones = np.ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices)
# rank-zero tensor element ones vector :
e_ones = np.ones(md.mesh.numberofelements)
# rank-two tensor ones vector :
A_ones = np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 6))
# rank-one tensor ones vector :
b_ones = np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 3))
The MISMIP+ geometry are specified by [gudmundsson_2012] and defined by Equations (1)–(4) of [asay-davis_2016]:
# the ice thickness is initialized as constant :
H = Hini * v_ones
# eq'n (3)
xt = md.mesh.x / xbar
# eq'n (2) :
Bx = B0 + B2*xt**2 + B4*xt**4 + B6*xt**6
# eq'n (4) :
By = + dc / (1 + np.exp(-2*(md.mesh.y - Ly/2 - wc) / fc)) \
+ dc / (1 + np.exp( 2*(md.mesh.y - Ly/2 + wc) / fc))
# lower topography (eq'n 1) :
zb = np.maximum(Bx + By, zd*v_ones)
The bottom of the ice sheet is calculated by adjusting the upper-surface height \(S\) to the height it would be if it were floating:
# upper surface which does not take into account flotation :
S = zb + H
# grounded ice level-set flotation :
ls = H + rhow / rhoi * zb
# get indicies of grounded (gnd) and floating (flt) ice :
gnd = ls > 0
flt = ls <= 0
# correct upper surface to be in equilibrium with the flotation height :
S[flt] = H[flt] * (1 - rhoi / rhow)
then the lower surface is adjusted to remain at the desired thickness:
# lower surface :
B = S - H;
Finally, the ice sheet mask is given by simply converting the boolean NumPy array gnd
to an array of integers required by issm
# ice is grounded where mask == 1 :
mask = gnd.astype('int')
We will need to define the rheological parameter \(B\):
Bf = (A / spy)**(-1/n)
The material parameters may be changed to match those of the ISMIP HOM experiment by changing either the model
’s constants
or material properties matice
md.materials.rho_ice = rhoi
md.materials.rho_water = rhow
md.constants.g = g
md.constants.yts = spy
The geometry and ice masks are initialized from the above arrays as follows:
md.geometry.surface = S
md.geometry.base = B
md.geometry.thickness = H
md.geometry.bed = zb
md.mask.groundedice_levelset = mask # ice is grounded where == 1
md.mask.ice_levelset = -1 * v_ones # ice is present when negative
Basal-sliding friction is initialized using the friction
md.friction.p = p * e_ones
md.friction.q = q * e_ones
md.friction.coefficient = beta * v_ones
The rheology parameters are also set within the material properties matice
md.materials.rheology_B = Bf * v_ones
md.materials.rheology_n = n * e_ones
md.materials.rheology_law = "None"
The basalforcings
are initialized with no basal meting to begin:
md.basalforcings.geothermalflux = 0.0 * v_ones
md.basalforcings.groundedice_melting_rate = 0.0 * v_ones
md.basalforcings.floatingice_melting_rate = 0.0 * v_ones
Next, configure the model for “marine-ice-sheet” boundary conditions via SetMarineIceSheetBC
# Set the default boundary conditions for an ice-sheet :
md = im.SetMarineIceSheetBC(md, './exp/mismip_front.exp')
The ice front must be specified, and is saved as the file ./exp/mismip_front.exp
given by:
## Name:icefront
## Icon:0
# Points Count Value
5 1.
# X pos Y pos
639999 -1
640001 -1
640001 80001
639999 80001
639999 -1
Note this is just a rectangle surrounding each face of the Eastern-most edge.
In order to apply lateral slip along the North, South, and West boundaries, we have to manually deterimine the nodal indicies of the \(x\)-component of velocity spcvx
, \(y\)-component of velocity spcvy
, and \(z\)-component of velocity spcvz
within the stressbalance
class and set them to np.nan
# apply lateral slip on north, south, and west boundaries :
if lat_slip: slip = np.nan
else: slip = 0.0
# inflow boundary condition :
pos_w = np.where(md.mesh.x < 0.1)[0]
md.stressbalance.spcvx[pos_w] = 0.0
md.stressbalance.spcvy[pos_w] = slip
md.stressbalance.spcvz[pos_w] = slip
# north wall :
pos_n = np.where(md.mesh.y > np.max(md.mesh.y) - 0.1)[0]
md.stressbalance.spcvx[pos_n] = slip
md.stressbalance.spcvy[pos_n] = 0.0
md.stressbalance.spcvz[pos_n] = slip
# south wall :
pos_s = np.where(md.mesh.y < 0.1)[0]
md.stressbalance.spcvx[pos_s] = slip
md.stressbalance.spcvy[pos_s] = 0.0
md.stressbalance.spcvz[pos_s] = slip
# go back and ensure that the west corners have zero x-component velocity :
md.stressbalance.spcvx[pos_w] = 0.0
Note above that if lat_slip
had been specified as False
at the beginning of our script, no-slip boundary conditions would have been applied.
The upper-surface mass balance \(\mathring{S}\) is initialized:
md.smb.mass_balance = adot * v_ones
Grounding-line migration is a complicated subject, and the folks at JPL/UCI have developed several different numerical schemes you may choose to use, here I chose SubelementMigration
by setting the migration
parameter within the model
’s groundingline
#md.groundingline.migration = 'SoftMigration'
md.groundingline.migration = 'SubelementMigration'
#md.groundingline.migration = 'SubelementMigration2'
#md.groundingline.migration = 'AggressiveMigration'
#md.groundingline.migration = 'None'
The free-surface parameters are set within the model
’s masstransport
md.masstransport.hydrostatic_adjustment = 'Incremental'
md.masstransport.spcthickness = np.nan * v_ones
md.masstransport.stabilization = 1
Here, we set no constraint on the thickness by setting the spcthickness
parameter to np.nan
and use streamline-upwind/Petrov-Galerkin stabilization by setting stabilization = 1
The numerical solver will complain if the unknowns are not initialized to something:
md.initialization.vx = 0.0 * v_ones
md.initialization.vy = 0.0 * v_ones
md.initialization.vz = 0.0 * v_ones
md.initialization.vel = 0.0 * v_ones
md.initialization.pressure = rhoi * g * H
md.initialization.temperature = Tm * v_ones
The transient
solver parameters are set as follows:
md.transient.isstressbalance = 1
md.transient.isgroundingline = 1
md.transient.ismasstransport = 1
md.transient.issmb = 1
md.transient.isthermal = 0
md.timestepping.time_adapt = 0 # not adaptive time stepping
md.timestepping.cfl_coefficient = cfl # used if adaptive time stepping
md.timestepping.time_step = dt
md.timestepping.final_time = tf
md.settings.output_frequency = int(dt_sav/dt)
md.transient.requested_outputs = ['default',
Now we will convert the two-dimensional mesh into three dimensions by extruding the mesh vertically 5 cells in the \(z\) direction with extrude()
# now, extrude and set the basal boundary conditions :
md.extrude(6, 1.0)
and set the appropriate “flow equation” with setflowequation
# specifiy the flow equation and FE basis :
md = im.setflowequation(md, mdl_odr, 'all')
md.flowequation.fe_HO = 'P1'
It will be necessary later to recall the initial model for plotting, so we save the model just prior to solving the transient using savevars()
# save the state of the model :
im.savevars(out_dir + 'mismip_init.md', 'md', md)
Solve the momentum balance¶
Now, set up the computing environment variables using the generic
class, enable verbose solver output with verbose
, and finally solve the system with the solve
class with num_p
CPU processes:
md.cluster = im.generic('name', im.gethostname(), 'np', num_p)
md.verbose = im.verbose('solution', True, 'control', True, 'convergence', True)
md = im.solve(md, 'Transient')
# save the state of the model :
im.savevars(out_dir + name + '.md', 'md', md)
var_dict = {'md.results.TransientSolution' : md.results.TransientSolution}
im.savevars(out_dir + name + '.shelve', var_dict)
Note that currently, savevars()
will work for small problems, but fails without error for large amounts of data.
Plot the results¶
You can utilize the plotting capabilities of the fenics_viz package to plot the solution as follows.
First, we import the packages we need:
from fenics_viz import print_text, plot_variable
import issm as im
import numpy as np
Next, we set the input directory to out_dir
set in the previous script, as well as the time-step \(\Delta t\) between output results we set earlier named dt_sav
# directories for saving data :
mdl_odr = 'HO'
name = 'lateral_slip'
dt = 10
if mdl_odr == 'HO': mdl_pfx = 'BP'
else: mdl_pfx = mdl_odr
out_dir = './results/' + mdl_pfx + '/'
We will output the images in a uniquie directory here:
plt_dir = './images/' + mdl_pfx + '/' + name + '/'
Next, we load the model using loadmodel
md = im.loadmodel(out_dir + name + '.md')
Record the total number of solutions saved, here the output was set the solution script to every 10 years within the transient
instantiation’s results
class object:
n = len(md.results.TransientSolution)
Next, we have to get the upper and lower surface vertex indicies so that we can extract the solution values a the lower surface \(z=B\) and upper surface \(z=S\), respectively:
vbed = md.mesh.vertexonbase
vsrf = md.mesh.vertexonsurface
The vertex coordinates coords
and cell connectivity indices cells
are saved in two dimensions within the model
’s mesh
coords = (md.mesh.x2d, md.mesh.y2d)
cells = md.mesh.elements2d - 1
Now, the fenics_viz package’s plot_variable
function will take a number of parameters we can set here:
# set the mesh plot parameters :
tp_kwargs = {'linestyle' : '-',
'lw' : 0.5,
'color' : 'k',
'alpha' : 0.5}
# set the vector plot parameters :
quiver_kwargs = {'pivot' : 'middle',
'color' : '0.5',
'scale' : 100,
'alpha' : 1.0,
'width' : 0.001,
'headwidth' : 3.0,
'headlength' : 3.0,
'headaxislength' : 3.0}
# the plot parameters will mostly stay the same for each plot :
plot_kwargs = {'direc' : plt_dir,
'coords' : coords,
'cells' : cells,
'figsize' : (8, 1.5),
'cmap' : 'viridis',
'scale' : 'lin',
'numLvls' : 8,
'levels' : None,
'levels_2' : None,
'umin' : None,
'umax' : None,
'plot_tp' : False,
'tp_kwargs' : tp_kwargs,
'show' : False,
'hide_x_tick_labels' : False,
'hide_y_tick_labels' : True,
'xlabel' : '',
'ylabel' : '',
'equal_axes' : True,
'hide_axis' : False,
'colorbar_loc' : 'right',
'contour_type' : 'filled',
'extend' : 'neither',
'ext' : '.pdf',
'normalize_vec' : True,
'plot_quiver' : True,
'quiver_kwargs' : quiver_kwargs,
'res' : 150,
'cb' : True,
'cb_format' : '%.1f'}
First, we plot the bedrock topography, which is invariant with time:
# the bed topography :
plot_kwargs['title'] = r'$z_b$'
plot_kwargs['u'] = md.geometry.bed[vbed].flatten()
plot_kwargs['name'] = 'z_b'
Next, we loop through and plot the solutions every \(\Delta t *10 = 100\) years:
for i in range(0,n,10):
# get this solution :
soln_i = md.results.TransientSolution[i]
# the `plot_variable` function requires the output data be row vectors :
S = soln_i.Surface[vbed].flatten()
B = soln_i.Base[vbed].flatten()
H = soln_i.Thickness[vbed].flatten()
p = soln_i.Pressure[vbed].flatten()
u_x_s = soln_i.Vx[vsrf].flatten()
u_y_s = soln_i.Vy[vsrf].flatten()
u_z_s = soln_i.Vz[vsrf].flatten()
u_x_b = soln_i.Vx[vbed].flatten()
u_y_b = soln_i.Vy[vbed].flatten()
u_z_b = soln_i.Vz[vbed].flatten()
ls = soln_i.MaskGroundediceLevelset[vbed].flatten()
# form the velocity vectors :
u_s = np.array([u_x_s, u_y_s], u_z_s])
u_b = np.array([u_x_b, u_y_b], u_z_b])
# calculate the grounded/floating mask :
mask = (ls > 0).astype('int')
# the simulation time :
time = i*dt
# plot the upper-surface height :
plot_kwargs['title'] = r'$S$'
plot_kwargs['u'] = S
plot_kwargs['name'] = 'S_%i' % time
plot_kwargs['scale'] = 'lin'
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
plot_kwargs['cb_format'] = '%.1f'
plot_kwargs['plot_tp'] = False
# plot the lower-surface height :
plot_kwargs['title'] = r'$B$'
plot_kwargs['u'] = B
plot_kwargs['name'] = 'B_%i' % time
plot_kwargs['scale'] = 'lin'
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
plot_kwargs['cb_format'] = '%.1f'
plot_kwargs['plot_tp'] = False
# plot the ice thickness :
plot_kwargs['title'] = r'$H$'
plot_kwargs['u'] = H
plot_kwargs['name'] = 'H_%i' % time
plot_kwargs['scale'] = 'lin'
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
plot_kwargs['cb_format'] = '%.1f'
plot_kwargs['plot_tp'] = False
# plot the vertical component of the upper-surface velocity :
plot_kwargs['title'] = r'$u_z |_S$'
plot_kwargs['u'] = u_z_s
plot_kwargs['name'] = 'u_z_s_%i' % time
plot_kwargs['scale'] = 'lin'
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
plot_kwargs['cb_format'] = '%.1e'
plot_kwargs['plot_tp'] = False
# plot the vertical component of the lower-surface velocity :
plot_kwargs['title'] = r'$u_z |_B$'
plot_kwargs['u'] = u_z_b
plot_kwargs['name'] = 'u_z_b_%i' % time
plot_kwargs['scale'] = 'lin'
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
plot_kwargs['cb_format'] = '%.1e'
plot_kwargs['plot_tp'] = False
# plot the upper-surface velocity :
plot_kwargs['title'] = r'$\underline{u} |_S$'
plot_kwargs['u'] = u_s
plot_kwargs['name'] = 'U_s_%i' % time
plot_kwargs['scale'] = 'log'
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
plot_kwargs['cb_format'] = '%.1e'
plot_kwargs['plot_tp'] = False
# plot the lower-surface velocity :
plot_kwargs['title'] = r'$\underline{u} |_B$'
plot_kwargs['u'] = u_b
plot_kwargs['name'] = 'U_b_%i' % time
plot_kwargs['scale'] = 'log'
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = 'viridis'
plot_kwargs['cb_format'] = '%.1e'
plot_kwargs['plot_tp'] = False
# plot the floating-ice mask :
plot_kwargs['title'] = r'mask'
plot_kwargs['u'] = mask
plot_kwargs['name'] = 'mask_%i' % time
plot_kwargs['scale'] = 'bool'
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = 'gist_yarg'
plot_kwargs['cb_format'] = '%g'
plot_kwargs['plot_tp'] = True
This will produce a plot of final state of the model after \(t = 20000\) years like so:









Note that the velocity vectors have been normalized using the keyword argument (kwarg) normalize_vec = True
of the dictionary plot_kwargs
[asay-davis_2016] | (1, 2) https://www.geosci-model-dev.net/9/2471/2016/ |
[gudmundsson_2012] | https://www.the-cryosphere.net/6/1497/2012/ |