Source code for issm.processdata

import numpy as  np

[docs]def processdata(md,data,options): """ PROCESSDATA - process data to be plotted datatype = 1 -> elements datatype = 2 -> nodes datatype = 3 -> node quivers datatype = 4 -> patch Usage: data,datatype=processdata(md,data,options); See also: PLOTMODEL, PROCESSMESH """ # {{{ Initialisation and grabbing auxiliaries # check format if (len(data)==0 or (len(data)==1 and not isinstance(data,dict) and np.isnan(data).all())): raise ValueError("processdata error message: 'data' provided is empty") # get the shape if 'numberofvertices2d' in dir(md.mesh): numberofvertices2d=md.mesh.numberofvertices2d numberofelements2d=md.mesh.numberofelements2d else: numberofvertices2d=np.nan numberofelements2d=np.nan procdata=np.copy(data) #initialize datatype datatype=0 # get datasize if np.ndim(procdata)==1: datasize=(np.shape(procdata)[0],1) elif np.ndim(procdata)==2: datasize=np.shape(procdata) elif np.ndim(procdata)==3: if np.shape(procdata)[0]==2: #treating a dim two list that needs to be stacked procdata=np.hstack((procdata[0,:,:],procdata[1,:,:])) datasize=np.shape(procdata) else: raise ValueError('data list contains more than two vectore, we can not cope with that') else: raise ValueError('data passed to plotmodel has bad dimensions; check that column vectors are rank-1') # }}} # {{{ process NaN's if any nanfill=options.getfieldvalue('nan',-9999) if np.any(np.isnan(procdata)): lb=np.nanmin(procdata) ub=np.nanmax(procdata) if lb==ub: lb=lb-0.5 ub=ub+0.5 nanfill=lb-1 #procdata[np.isnan(procdata)]=nanfill,mask=np.isnan(procdata)) options.addfielddefault('clim',[lb,ub]) options.addfielddefault('cmap_set_under','1') print "WARNING: nan's treated as", nanfill, "by default. Change using pairoption 'nan',nan_fill_value in plotmodel call" # }}} # {{{ log if options.exist('log'): cutoff=options.getfieldvalue('log',1) procdata[np.where(procdata<cutoff)]=cutoff # }}} # {{{ quiver plot if datasize[1]>1 and datasize[0]!= md.mesh.numberofvertices+1: if datasize[0]==md.mesh.numberofvertices and datasize[1]==2: datatype=3 else: raise ValueError('plotmodel error message: data should have two columns of length md.mesh.numberofvertices for a quiver plot') # }}} # {{{ element data if datasize[0]==md.mesh.numberofelements and datasize[1]==1: #initialize datatype if non patch if datatype!=4 and datatype!=5: datatype=1 # {{{mask if options.exist('mask'): flags=options.getfieldvalue('mask') hide=np.invert(flags) if np.size(flags)==md.mesh.numberofvertices: EltMask=np.asarray([np.any(np.in1d(index,np.where(hide))) for index in md.mesh.elements-1]),mask=EltMask) options.addfielddefault('cmap_set_bad','w') elif np.size(flags)==md.mesh.numberofelements:,mask=hide) options.addfielddefault('cmap_set_bad','w') else: print('plotmodel warning: mask length not supported yet (supported length are md.mesh.numberofvertices and md.mesh.numberofelements') # }}} # }}} # {{{ node data if datasize[0]==md.mesh.numberofvertices and datasize[1]==1: datatype=2 # {{{ Mask if options.exist('mask'): flags=options.getfieldvalue('mask') hide=np.invert(flags) if np.size(flags)==md.mesh.numberofvertices:,mask=hide) options.addfielddefault('cmap_set_bad','w') elif np.size(flags)==md.mesh.numberofelements: NodeMask=np.zeros(np.shape(md.mesh.x),dtype=bool) HideElt=md.mesh.elements[np.where(hide)[0]]-1 NodeMask[HideElt]=True,mask=NodeMask) options.addfielddefault('cmap_set_bad','w') else: print('plotmodel warning: mask length not supported yet (supported length are md.mesh.numberofvertices and md.mesh.numberofelements') # }}} # }}} # {{{ spc time series if datasize[0]==md.mesh.numberofvertices+1: datatype=2 spccol=options.getfieldvalue('spccol',0) print 'multiple-column spc field; specify column to plot using option "spccol"' print 'column ', spccol, ' plotted for time: ', procdata[-1,spccol] procdata=procdata[0:-1,spccol] #mask? #layer projection? #control arrow density if quiver plot # }}} # {{{ convert rank-2 array to rank-1 if np.ndim(procdata)==2 and np.shape(procdata)[1]==1: procdata=procdata.reshape(-1,) # }}} # {{{ if datatype is still zero, error out if datatype==0: raise ValueError("processdata error: data provided not recognized or not supported") else: return procdata, datatype
# }}}