Source code for issm.plot_manager

	import pylab as p
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
	print "could not import pylab, matplotlib has not been installed, no plotting capabilities enabled"

from issm.checkplotoptions import checkplotoptions
from issm.plot_mesh import plot_mesh
from issm.plot_BC import plot_BC
from issm.plot_elementnumbering import plot_elementnumbering
from issm.plot_vertexnumbering import plot_vertexnumbering
from issm.processmesh import processmesh
from issm.processdata import processdata
from issm.plot_unit import plot_unit
from issm.applyoptions import applyoptions

	from osgeo import gdal
except ImportError:
	print 'osgeo/gdal for python not installed, overlay plots are not enabled'

if overlaysupport:
	from plot_overlay import plot_overlay

[docs]def plot_manager(md,options,fig,axgrid,gridindex): ''' PLOT_MANAGER - distribute the plots called by plotmodel 'fig' is a handle to the figure instance created by plotmodel. 'ax' is a handle to the axes instance created by plotmodel. This is currently generated using matplotlib's AxesGrid toolkit. Usage: plot_manager(md,options,fig,ax); See also: PLOTMODEL, PLOT_UNIT ''' #parse options and get a structure of options options=checkplotoptions(md,options) #get data to be plotted data=options.getfieldvalue('data') #add ticklabel has a default option options.addfielddefault('ticklabels','on') ax=axgrid[gridindex] # {{{ basemap plot TOFIX #if options.exist('basemap'): # plot_basemap(md,data,options,nrows,ncols,i) # }}} # {{{ overlay plot if options.exist('overlay') and overlaysupport: plot_overlay(md,data,options,ax) options.addfielddefault('alpha',0.5) options.addfielddefault('xlim',[min(md.mesh.x),max(md.mesh.x)]) options.addfielddefault('ylim',[min(md.mesh.y),max(md.mesh.y)]) # }}} # {{{ dealing with special plot if isinstance(data,(str,unicode)): if data=='mesh': plot_mesh(md,options,fig,axgrid,gridindex) #fig.delaxes(fig.axes[1]) # hack to remove colorbar after the fact return elif data=='BC': plot_BC(md,options,fig,axgrid,gridindex) return elif data=='elementnumbering': plot_elementnumbering(md,options,fig,axgrid,gridindex) return elif data=='vertexnumbering': plot_vertexnumbering(md,options,fig,axgrid,gridindex) return elif data=='none': print 'no data provided to plot (TODO: write' applyoptions(md,[],options,fig,axgrid,gridindex) return else: print "WARNING: '%s' is not implemented or is not a valid string for option 'data'" % data # }}} # {{{ Gridded plot TODO # }}} # {{{ Section plot TODO # }}} # {{{ Profile plot TODO # }}} #process data and model x,y,z,elements,is2d,isplanet=processmesh(md,data,options) data2,datatype=processdata(md,data,options) #plot unit plot_unit(x,y,z,elements,data2,is2d,isplanet,datatype,options,fig,axgrid,gridindex) #apply all options applyoptions(md,data2,options,fig,axgrid,gridindex)
#ground overlay on kml plot_unit # Bits and pieces #initialize plot handle variable #handle=None # initialize subplot #p.subplot(nrows,ncols,i,aspect='equal') #standard plot #if not handle: # p.subplot(nrows,ncols,i,aspect='equal') #elif data in vars(md): #else: #print "'data' not a string, plotting model properties yet to be implemented..."