Source code for issm.pfe

# import socket
# import os
# import math
import subprocess
from fielddisplay import fielddisplay
from pairoptions import pairoptions
from issmssh import issmssh
from issmscpin import issmscpin
from issmscpout import issmscpout
from QueueRequirements import QueueRequirements
	from pfe_settings import pfe_settings
except ImportError:
	print 'You need to proceed, check presence and sys.path'
[docs]class pfe(object): """ PFE cluster class definition Usage: cluster=pfe(); cluster=pfe('np',3); cluster=pfe('np',3,'login','username'); """ def __init__(self,*args): # {{{ = 'pfe' self.login = '' self.numnodes = 20 self.cpuspernode = 8 self.port = 1025 self.queue = 'long' self.time = 12*60 self.processor = 'wes' self.codepath = '' self.executionpath = '' self.grouplist = 's1010' self.interactive = 0 self.bbftp = 0 self.numstreams = 8 self.hyperthreading = 0 #use provided options to change fields options=pairoptions(*args) #initialize cluster using user settings if provided self=pfe_settings(self) #OK get other fields self=options.AssignObjectFields(self) # }}} def __repr__(self): # {{{ # display the object s = "class pfe object:" s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'name','name of the cluster')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'login','login')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'numnodes','number of nodes')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'cpuspernode','number of nodes per CPUs')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'np','number of CPUs')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'port','machine access port')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'codepath','code path on the cluster')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'executionpath','execution path on the cluster')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'queue','name of the queue')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'time','walltime requested')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'processor','type of processor')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'grouplist','name of the group')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'interactive','')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'bbftp','')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'numstreams','')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'hyperthreading','')) return s # }}}
[docs] def nprocs(self): # {{{*self.cpuspernode return
# }}}
[docs] def checkconsistency(self,md,solution,analyses): # {{{ queuedict = {'long': [5*24*60, 2048], 'normal': [8*60, 2048], 'debug':[2*60,150], 'devel':[2*60,150]} QueueRequirements(queuedict,self.queue,self.nprocs(),self.time) #now, check cluster.cpuspernode according to processor type if self.processor=='har' or self.processor=='neh': if self.hyperthreading: if not 0<self.cpuspernode<17: md = md.checkmessage('cpuspernode should be between 1 and 16 for ''neh'' and ''har'' processors in hyperthreading mode') else: if not 0<self.cpuspernode<9: md = md.checkmessage('cpuspernode should be between 1 and 8 for ''neh'' and ''har'' processors') elif self.processor=='wes': if self.hyperthreading: if not 0<self.cpuspernode<25: md = md.checkmessage('cpuspernode should be between 1 and 24 for ''wes'' processors in hyperthreading mode') else: if not 0<self.cpuspernode<13: md = md.checkmessage('cpuspernode should be between 1 and 12 for ''wes'' processors') elif self.processor=='ivy': if self.hyperthreading: if not 0<self.cpuspernode<41: md = md.checkmessage('cpuspernode should be between 1 and 40 for ''ivy'' processors in hyperthreading mode') else: if not 0<self.cpuspernode<21: md = md.checkmessage('cpuspernode should be between 1 and 20 for ''ivy'' processors') else: md = md.checkmessage('unknown processor type, should be ''neh'',''wes'' or ''har'' or ''ivy''') #Miscelaneous if not self.login: md = md.checkmessage('login empty') if not self.codepath: md = md.checkmessage('codepath empty') if not self.executionpath: md = md.checkmessage('executionpath empty') if not self.grouplist: md = md.checkmessage('grouplist empty') if self.interactive==1: md = md.checkmessage('interactive mode not implemented') return self
# }}}
[docs] def BuildQueueScript(self,dirname,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof,isdakota,isoceancoupling): # {{{ executable='issm.exe' if isdakota: version=IssmConfig('_DAKOTA_VERSION_')[0:2] version=float(version) if version>=6: executable='issm_dakota.exe' if isoceancoupling: executable='issm_ocean.exe' #write queuing script fid=open(modelname+'.queue','w') fid.write('#PBS -S /bin/bash\n') fid.write('#PBS -l select=%i:ncpus=%i:model=%s\n' % (self.numnodes,self.cpuspernode,self.processor)) fid.write('#PBS -l walltime=%i\n' % (self.time*60)) fid.write('#PBS -q %s \n' % self.queue) fid.write('#PBS -W group_list=%s\n' % self.grouplist) fid.write('#PBS -m e\n') fid.write('#PBS -o %s/%s/%s.outlog \n' % (self.executionpath,dirname,modelname)) fid.write('#PBS -e %s/%s/%s.errlog \n\n' % (self.executionpath,dirname,modelname)) fid.write('. /usr/share/modules/init/bash\n\n') fid.write('module load comp-intel/2015.0.090\n') fid.write('module load mpi-sgi/mpt.2.11r13\n') fid.write('export PATH="$PATH:."\n\n') fid.write('export MPI_GROUP_MAX=64\n\n') fid.write('export ISSM_DIR="%s/../"\n' % self.codepath) fid.write('source $ISSM_DIR/etc/\n') fid.write('cd %s/%s/\n\n' % (self.executionpath,dirname)) fid.write('mpiexec -np %i %s/%s %s %s/%s %s\n' % (self.nprocs(),self.codepath,executable,str(solution),self.executionpath,dirname,modelname)) fid.close()
# }}}
[docs] def UploadQueueJob(self,modelname,dirname,filelist): # {{{ #compress the files into one zip. compressstring='tar -zcf %s.tar.gz ' % dirname for file in filelist: compressstring += ' %s' % file,shell=True) print 'uploading input file and queueing script' issmscpout(,self.executionpath,self.login,self.port,[dirname+'.tar.gz'])
# }}}
[docs] def LaunchQueueJob(self,modelname,dirname,filelist,restart,batch): # {{{ print 'launching solution sequence on remote cluster' if restart: launchcommand='cd %s && cd %s && qsub %s.queue' % (self.executionpath,dirname,modelname) else: launchcommand='cd %s && rm -rf ./%s && mkdir %s && cd %s && mv ../%s.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf %s.tar.gz && qsub %s.queue' % (self.executionpath,dirname,dirname,dirname,dirname,dirname,modelname) issmssh(,self.login,self.port,launchcommand)
# }}}
[docs] def Download(self,dirname,filelist): # {{{ #copy files from cluster to current directory directory='%s/%s/' % (self.executionpath,dirname) issmscpin(,self.login,self.port,directory,filelist)
# }}}