Source code for issm.organizer

import os.path
from collections import OrderedDict
import issm.pairoptions
import issm.MatlabFuncs as m
from issm.loadvars import loadvars
from issm.loadmodel import loadmodel
from issm.savevars import savevars
from issm.model import model
from whichdb import whichdb

[docs]class organizer(object): """ ORGANIZER class definition Supported options: repository: directory where all models will be saved prefix: prefix for saved model names steps: requested steps trunkprefix:prefix of previous run with a different prefix. Used to branch. Usage: org = organizer(varargin) Examples: org = organizer('repository','Models/','prefix','AGU2015','steps',0); %build an empty organizer object with a given repository """ def __init__(self,*args): # {{{ self._currentstep =0 self.repository ='./' self.prefix ='model.' self.trunkprefix ='' self.steps =[] self.requestedsteps=[0] #process options options=pairoptions.pairoptions(*args) #Get prefix prefix=options.getfieldvalue('prefix','model.') if not isinstance(prefix,(str,unicode)): raise TypeError("prefix is not a string") if not m.strcmp(prefix,prefix.strip()) or len(prefix.split()) > 1: raise TypeError("prefix should not have any white space") self.prefix=prefix #Get repository repository=options.getfieldvalue('repository','./') if not isinstance(repository,(str,unicode)): raise TypeError("repository is not a string") if not os.path.isdir(repository): raise IOError("Directory '%s' not found" % repository) self.repository=repository #Get steps self.requestedsteps=options.getfieldvalue('steps',[0]) #Get trunk prefix (only if provided by user) if options.exist('trunkprefix'): trunkprefix=options.getfieldvalue('trunkprefix','') if not isinstance(trunkprefix,(str,unicode)): raise TypeError("trunkprefix is not a string") if not m.strcmp(trunkprefix,trunkprefix.strip()) or len(trunkprefix.split()) > 1: raise TypeError("trunkprefix should not have any white space") self.trunkprefix=trunkprefix #}}} def __repr__(self): # {{{ s ="" s+="%s\n" % " Repository: '%s'" % self.repository s+="%s\n" % " Prefix: '%s'" % self.prefix if not self.steps: s+="%s\n" % " no step" else: for step in self.steps: s+="%s\n" % " step #%2i: '%s'",step['id'],step['string'] #}}}
[docs] def load(self,string): # {{{ #Get model path if not isinstance(string,(str,unicode)): raise TypeError("argument provided is not a string") path=os.path.join(self.repository,self.prefix+string) #figure out if the model is there if os.path.exists(path): struc=loadvars(path) name=name=[key for key in struc.iterkeys()][0] else: raise IOError("Could not find '%s'" % path) return md
[docs] def loadmodel(self,string): # {{{ #Get model path if not isinstance(string,(str,unicode)): raise TypeError("argument provided is not a string") path1=os.path.join(self.repository,self.prefix+string+'.python') path2=os.path.join(self.repository,string) #figure out if the model is there, otherwise, we have to use the default path supplied by user. if whichdb(path1): md=loadmodel(path1) return md elif whichdb(path2): md=loadmodel(path2) return md #If we are here, the model has not been found. Try trunk prefix if provided if self.trunkprefix: path2=os.path.join(self.repository,self.trunkprefix+string) if not os.path.exists(path2): raise IOError("Could find neither '%s' nor '%s'" % (path,path2)) else: print "--> Branching '%s' from trunk '%s'" % (self.prefix,self.trunkprefix) md=loadmodel(path2) return md else: raise IOError("Could not find '%s'" % path1)
[docs] def perform(self,string): # {{{ bool=False #Some checks if not isinstance(string,(str,unicode)): raise TypeError("Step provided should be a string") if not m.strcmp(string,string.strip()) or len(string.split()) > 1: raise TypeError("Step provided should not have any white space") if self._currentstep>0 and string in [step['string'] for step in self.steps]: raise RuntimeError("Step '%s' already present. Change name" % string) #Add step self.steps.append(OrderedDict()) self.steps[-1]['id']=len(self.steps) self.steps[-1]['string']=string self._currentstep+=1 #if requestedsteps = 0, print all steps in self if 0 in self.requestedsteps: if self._currentstep==1: print " prefix: %s" % self.prefix print " step #%i : %s" % (self.steps[self._currentstep-1]['id'],self.steps[self._currentstep-1]['string']) #Ok, now if _currentstep is a member of steps, return true if self._currentstep in self.requestedsteps: print "\n step #%i : %s\n" % (self.steps[self._currentstep-1]['id'],self.steps[self._currentstep-1]['string']) bool=True #assign self back to calling workspace # (no need, since Python modifies class instance directly) return bool
[docs] def savemodel(self,md, name='default'): # {{{ #check if self._currentstep==0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot save model because organizer (org) is empty! Make sure you did not skip any perform call") if self._currentstep>len(self.steps): raise RuntimeError("Cannot save model because organizer (org) is not up to date!") if (name=='default'): name=os.path.join(self.repository,self.prefix+self.steps[self._currentstep-1]['string']+'.python') else: name=os.path.join(self.repository,name) print "saving model as: '%s'" % name #check that md is a model if not isinstance(md,model): print("second argument is not a model") if self._currentstep>len(self.steps): raise RuntimeError("organizer error message: element with id %d not found" % self._currentstep) #save model savevars(name,'md',md)