import numpy as np
[docs]def ll2xy(lat,lon,sgn=-1,central_meridian=0,standard_parallel=71):
LL2XY - converts lat lon to polar stereographic
Converts from geodetic latitude and longitude to Polar
Stereographic (X,Y) coordinates for the polar regions.
Author: Michael P. Schodlok, December 2003 (map2ll)
x,y = ll2xy(lat,lon,sgn)
x,y = ll2xy(lat,lon,sgn,central_meridian,standard_parallel)
- sgn = Sign of latitude +1 : north latitude (default is mer=45 lat=70)
-1 : south latitude (default is mer=0 lat=71)
assert sgn==1 or sgn==-1, 'error: sgn should be either +1 or -1'
#Get central_meridian and standard_parallel depending on hemisphere
if sgn == 1:
delta = 45
slat = 70
print ' ll2xy: creating coordinates in north polar stereographic (Std Latitude: 70N Meridian: 45)'
delta = central_meridian
slat = standard_parallel
print ' ll2xy: creating coordinates in south polar stereographic (Std Latitude: 71S Meridian: 0)'
# Conversion constant from degrees to radians
cde = 57.29577951
# Radius of the earth in meters
re = 6378.273*10**3
# Eccentricity of the Hughes ellipsoid squared
ex2 = .006693883
# Eccentricity of the Hughes ellipsoid
ex = np.sqrt(ex2)
latitude = np.abs(lat) * np.pi/180.
longitude = (lon + delta) * np.pi/180.
# compute X and Y in grid coordinates.
T = np.tan(np.pi/4-latitude/2) / ((1-ex*np.sin(latitude))/(1+ex*np.sin(latitude)))**(ex/2)
if (90 - slat) < 1.e-5:
rho = 2.*re*T/np.sqrt((1.+ex)**(1.+ex)*(1.-ex)**(1.-ex))
sl = slat*np.pi/180.
tc = np.tan(np.pi/4.-sl/2.)/((1.-ex*np.sin(sl))/(1.+ex*np.sin(sl)))**(ex/2.)
mc = np.cos(sl)/np.sqrt(1.0-ex2*(np.sin(sl)**2))
rho = re*mc*T/tc
y = -rho * sgn * np.cos(sgn*longitude)
x = rho * sgn * np.sin(sgn*longitude)
cnt1=np.nonzero(latitude>= np.pi/2.)[0]
if cnt1:
x[cnt1,0] = 0.0
y[cnt1,0] = 0.0
return x,y