Source code for issm.interp

# module for inperpolating/smoothing data
import numpy as  np
from scipy.interpolate import CloughTocher2DInterpolator, Rbf
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
	print 'could not import matplotlib, no plotting functions enabled.\
			Set plotonly=False in function call'

[docs]def MeshSplineToMesh2d(x,y,data,xi,yi,tol=1e-6,fill_nans=False,**kwargs):#{{{ ''' Piecewise cubic, C1 smooth, curvature-minimizing interpolant in 2D. The interpolant is guaranteed to be continuously differentiable, and the gradients are chosen such that the curvature of the interpolant is approximately minimized. Uses scipy.interpolate.CloughTocher2DInterpolator x,y: data point coordinates data: data to be interpolated (same length as x,y) xi,yi: coordintes to interpolate data onto tol: tolerance for gradient estimation (default 1e-6) fill_nans: fill nan's (holes) in data using the spline fit? **kwargs: optional keywork arguments: maxiter: maximum iterations in gradient estimation Returns interpolated data at given x,y coordinates. Usage: interpdata=CloughToucher2d(x,y,data) Examples: interpdata=CloughToucher2d(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,data) interpdata=CloughToucher2d(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,data,tol=1e-3,maxiter=100) ''' # unpack kwargs maxiter=kwargs.pop('maxiter',None) if 'maxiter' in kwargs: del kwargs['maxiter'] if maxiter: assert type(maxiter)==int, 'error, maxiter should be an integer' assert len(kwargs)==0, 'error, unexpected or misspelled kwargs' # create sub-vectors that just cover the limits of xi and yi # TODO x,y not necessarily a grid, so need a better definition of dx,dy (e.g. average element size) dx=500 dy=500 #dx=x[1]-x[0] #dy=y[1]-y[0] xlim=[min(xi)-dx,max(xi)+dx] ylim=[min(yi)-dy,max(yi)+dy] xflag=np.logical_and(x>xlim[0],x<xlim[1]) yflag=np.logical_and(y>ylim[0],y<ylim[1]) bothind=np.nonzero(np.logical_and(xflag,yflag)) subdata=data[bothind] subx=x[bothind] suby=y[bothind] points=np.array([subx,suby]).T # mask out any nan's in the data and corresponding coordinate points mask=np.isnan(subdata) ind=np.nonzero(mask)[0] if len(ind) and fill_nans: print " WARNING: filling nans using spline fit through good data points, which may or may not be appropriate. Check results carefully." subdata=np.delete(subdata,ind) points=np.delete(points,ind,axis=0) if maxiter: spline=CloughTocher2DInterpolator(points,subdata,tol,maxiter=maxiter) else: spline=CloughTocher2DInterpolator(points,subdata,tol) interpdata=spline(xi,yi) if not fill_nans: # identify nan's in xi,yi using nearest neighbors xyinterp=np.dstack([xi,yi])[0] xg,yg=np.meshgrid(subx,suby) xydata=np.dstack([subx,suby])[0] tree=cKDTree(xydata) nearest=tree.query(xyinterp)[1] pos=np.nonzero(np.isnan(subdata[nearest])) interpdata[pos]=subdata[nearest][pos] return interpdata
[docs]def GridSplineToMesh2d(x,y,data,xi,yi,default_value=np.nan,plotonly=False,fill_nans=False):#{{{ ''' python analog to InterpFromGridToMesh. This routine uses scipy.interpolate.CloughTocher2dInterpolator to create a bivariate spline interpolation of the input data and then return values of the spline on the x,y coordinates of the model mesh. The interpolant is piece-wise cubic, C1 smooth (continuously differentiable) and has approximately minimized curvature. See "help(scipy.interpolate.CloughTocher2dInterpolator)" for more information on the routine. NOTE: this routine will not be appropriate if there are large holes (nan's) in the input data. A non-spline interpolation scheme should be used in that case. x,y: vectors defining the coordinates of the input data data: 2D array of input data xi,yi: x and y coordinates to be interpolated onto default_value: default value if points lie outside the convex hull of input points (defaults to nan if not specified) plotonly: plot the data to be interpolated using imshow (useful for fill_nans: fill nan's (holes) in data using the spline fit? Usage: interpdata=GridToMesh(x,y,data,xi,yi,default_value=np.nan,plotonly=False,fill_nans=False) Examples: interpdata=GridToMesh(x_m,y_m,data,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,0) ''' if np.ndim(x)==2: x=x.reshape(-1,) if np.ndim(y)==2: y=y.reshape(-1,) if len(x) != data.shape[1]+1 and len(x) != data.shape[1]: raise ValueError('x should have same length as ncols(data) or ncols(data)+1') if len(y) != data.shape[0]+1 and len(y) != data.shape[0]: raise ValueError('y should have same length as nrows(data) or nrows(data)+1') # create sub-grid that just covers the limits of xi and yi dx=x[1]-x[0] dy=y[1]-y[0] xlim=[min(xi)-dx,max(xi)+dx] ylim=[min(yi)-dy,max(yi)+dy] # TODO create grid differently depending on whether data is defined at x,y # or at the center of a grid cell with corner coordinates defined by xi,yi # create points array and flattened data array if len(x)==data.shape[1] and len(y)==data.shape[0]: print ' x,y taken to define the center of data grid cells' xind=np.nonzero(np.logical_and(x>xlim[0],x<xlim[1]))[0] yind=np.nonzero(np.logical_and(y>ylim[0],y<ylim[1]))[0] xg,yg=np.meshgrid(x[xind],y[yind]) subdata=data[yind[0]:yind[-1]+1,xind[0]:xind[-1]+1] elif len(x)==data.shape[1]+1 and len(y)==data.shape[0]+1: print ' x,y taken to define the corners of data grid cells' xcenter=np.fromiter(((x[i]+x[i+1])/2 for i in range(len(x)-1)),np.float) ycenter=np.fromiter(((y[i]+y[i+1])/2 for i in range(len(y)-1)),np.float) xind=np.nonzero(np.logical_and(xcenter>xlim[0],xcenter<xlim[1]))[0] yind=np.nonzero(np.logical_and(ycenter>ylim[0],ycenter<ylim[1]))[0] xg,yg=np.meshgrid(xcenter[xind],ycenter[yind]) subdata=data[yind[0]:yind[-1]+1,xind[0]:xind[-1]+1] else: raise ValueError('x and y have inconsistent sizes: both should have length ncols(data)/nrows(data) or ncols(data)+1/nrows(data)+1') points=np.array([xg.ravel(),yg.ravel()]).T flatsubdata=subdata.ravel() if plotonly: plt.imshow(np.flipud(subdata),origin='upper') return # mask out any nan's in the data and corresponding coordinate points mask=np.isnan(flatsubdata) ind=np.nonzero(mask)[0] if len(ind) and fill_nans: print " WARNING: filling nans using spline fit through good data points, which may or may not be appropriate. Check results carefully." goodsubdata=np.delete(flatsubdata,ind) goodpoints=np.delete(points,ind,axis=0) # create spline and index spline at mesh points spline=CloughTocher2DInterpolator(goodpoints,goodsubdata) interpdata=spline(xi,yi) if not fill_nans: # identify nan's in xi,yi using nearest neighbors xyinterp=np.dstack([xi,yi])[0] xydata=np.dstack([xg.ravel(),yg.ravel()])[0] tree=cKDTree(xydata) nearest=tree.query(xyinterp)[1] pos=np.nonzero(np.isnan(flatsubdata[nearest])) interpdata[pos]=flatsubdata[nearest][pos] return interpdata
[docs]def RadialInterp(x,y,data,xi,yi,**kwargs):#{{{ ''' Interpolation using a radial basis function in 2 or 3 dimensions. Useful for smoothing input data after interpolation. Uses scipy.interpolate.Rbf x,y: data point coordinates data: data to be interpolated (same length as x,y) xi,yi: coordinates to interpolate onto function: form of radial basis function for interpolation: 'multiquadric': sqrt((r/self.epsilon)**2 + 1) (default) 'inverse': 1.0/sqrt((r/self.epsilon)**2 + 1) 'gaussian': exp(-(r/self.epsilon)**2) 'linear': r 'cubic': r**3 'quintic': r**5 'thin_plate': r**2 * log(r) epsilon: adjustable constant for scaling radial distance. Defaults to approximate average distance between nodes. smooth: float>0, adjusts the amount of smoothing applied. Defaults to 0, such that the function always passes through nodal points. z: coordinate array if interpolating in 3 dimensions zi: coordinate array if interpolating in 3 dimensions Usage: interpdata=RadialInterp(x,y,data,**kwargs) Examples: interpdata=RadialInterp(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,data) interpdata=RadialInterp(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,data,function='gaussian',epsilon=100,smooth=1) ''' # unpack kwargs function=kwargs.pop('function','gaussian') if 'function' in kwargs: del kwargs['function'] epsilon=kwargs.pop('epsilon',None) if 'epsilon' in kwargs: del kwargs['epsilon'] smooth=kwargs.pop('smooth',0) if 'smooth' in kwargs: del kwargs['smooth'] z=kwargs.pop('z',None) if 'z' in kwargs: del kwargs['z'] assert len(kwargs)==0, 'error, unexpected or misspelled kwargs' if z: if epsilon: rbfi=Rbf(x,y,z,data,function=function,smooth=smooth,epsilon=epsilon) else: rbfi=Rbf(x,y,z,data,function=function,smooth=smooth) interpdata=rbfi(xi,yi,zi) else: if epsilon: rbfi=Rbf(x,y,data,function=function,smooth=smooth,epsilon=epsilon) else: rbfi=Rbf(x,y,data,function=function,smooth=smooth) interpdata=rbfi(xi,yi) return interpdata