Source code for issm.gmtmask

from issm.MatlabFuncs import *
from issm.model import *
import numpy as np
from os import getenv, putenv
import subprocess

[docs]def gmtmask(lat,long,*varargin): #GMTMASK - figure out which lat,long points are on the ocean # # Usage: # mask.ocean = gmtmask(,md.mesh.long); # lenlat=len(lat) mask=np.empty(lenlat) #are we doing a recursive call? if len(varargin)==3: recursive=1 else: recursive=0 if recursive: string=' recursing: num vertices #i'+str(lenlat) else: string='gmtmask: num vertices #i'+str(lenlat) #Check lat and long size is not more than 50,000 If so, recursively call gmtmask: if lenlat>50000: for i in range(ceil(lenlat/50000)): j=(i+1)*50000-1 if j>lenlat: j=lenlat mask[i:j]=gmtmask(lat[i:j],long[i:j],1) return mask #First, write our lat,long file for gmt: nv=lenlat np.savetxt('./all_vertices.txt',np.transpose([long, lat, np.arange(1,nv+1)]),delimiter='\t',fmt='%.10f') #Avoid bypassing of the ld library path by Matlab (:() try: issmdir except: issmdir=getenv('ISSM_DIR') try: ismac except: ismac=False if ismac: dyld_library_path_old=getenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH') putenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH',issmdir+'/externalpackages/curl/install/lib:'+issmdir+'/externalpackages/hdf5/install/lib:'+issmdir+'/externalpackages/netcdf/install/lib') #figure out which vertices are on the ocean, which one on the continent:'/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt gmtselect ./all_vertices.txt -h0 -Df -R0/360/-90/90 -A0 -JQ180/200 -Nk/s/s/k/s > ./oce_vertices.txt',shell=True) #reset DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to what it was: if ismac: putenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH',dyld_library_path_old) #read the con_vertices.txt file and flag our mesh vertices on the continent fid=open('./oce_vertices.txt','r') line=fid.readline() line=fid.readline() oce_vertices=[] while line: ind=int(float(line.split()[2]))-1; oce_vertices.append(ind) line=fid.readline() fid.close() mask=np.zeros([nv,1]) mask[oce_vertices]=1'rm -rf ./all_vertices.txt ./oce_vertices.txt ./gmt.history',shell=True) if not recursive: string='gmtmask: done' return mask