Source code for issm.cyclone

import subprocess
from issm.fielddisplay import fielddisplay
from issm.pairoptions import pairoptions
from issm.issmssh import issmssh
from issm.issmscpin import issmscpin
from issm.issmscpout import issmscpout
from issm.QueueRequirements import QueueRequirements
import datetime
	from issm.cyclone_settings import cyclone_settings
except ImportError:
	print 'You need to proceed, check presence and sys.path'
[docs]class cyclone(object): """ Be aware that this is not a cluster as we usually know them. There is no scheduling and ressources are pretty low. The Computer have 20 cpus and 512Gb of memory used by a number of person so be respectful with your usage. I putted some restrictive upper limits to avoid over-use. (Basile) Usage: cluster=cyclone(); """ def __init__(self,*args): # {{{ = 'cyclone' self.login = '' = 2 self.time = 100 self.codepath = '' self.executionpath = '' self.port = '' self.interactive = 0 #use provided options to change fields options=pairoptions(*args) #initialize cluster using user settings if provided self=cyclone_settings(self) #OK get other fields self=options.AssignObjectFields(self) # }}} def __repr__(self): # {{{ # display the object s = "class cyclone object:" s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'name','name of the cluster')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'login','login')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'np','number of processes')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'time','walltime requested in minutes')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'codepath','code path on the cluster')) s = "%s\n%s"%(s,fielddisplay(self,'executionpath','execution path on the cluster')) return s # }}}
[docs] def checkconsistency(self,md,solution,analyses): # {{{ #Miscelaneous if not self.login: md = md.checkmessage('login empty') if not self.codepath: md = md.checkmessage('codepath empty') if not self.executionpath: md = md.checkmessage('executionpath empty') if self.time>72: md = md.checkmessage('walltime exceeds 72h for niceness this is not allowed, if you need more time consider shifting to one of the Notur systems') if >10: md = md.checkmessage('number of process excess 10, if you need more processing power consider shifting to one of the Notur systems') return self
# }}}
[docs] def BuildQueueScript(self,dirname,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof,isdakota,isoceancoupling): # {{{ executable='issm.exe' #write queuing script shortname=modelname[0:min(12,len(modelname))] fid=open(modelname+'.queue','w') fid.write('export ISSM_DIR="%s/../"\n' % self.codepath) fid.write('source $ISSM_DIR/etc/\n') fid.write('INTELLIBS="/opt/intel/intelcompiler-12.04/composerxe-2011.4.191/compiler/lib/intel64"\n') fid.write('export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/:$INTELLIBS\n') fid.write('export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH:/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/4.8\n') fid.write('cd %s/%s/\n\n' % (self.executionpath,dirname)) rundir=self.executionpath+'/'+dirname runfile=self.executionpath+'/'+dirname+'/'+modelname fid.write('mpiexec -np %i %s/%s %s %s %s >%s.outlog 2>%s.errlog\n' % (,self.codepath,executable,str(solution),rundir,modelname,runfile,runfile)) fid.close()
# }}}
[docs] def UploadQueueJob(self,modelname,dirname,filelist): # {{{ #compress the files into one zip. compressstring='tar -zcf %s.tar.gz ' % dirname for file in filelist: compressstring += ' %s' % file,shell=True) print 'uploading input file and queueing script' issmscpout(,self.executionpath,self.login,self.port,[dirname+'.tar.gz'])
# }}}
[docs] def LaunchQueueJob(self,modelname,dirname,filelist,restart,batch): # {{{ print 'launching solution sequence on remote cluster' if restart: launchcommand='cd %s && cd %s && qsub %s.queue' % (self.executionpath,dirname,modelname) else: launchcommand='cd %s && rm -rf ./%s && mkdir %s && cd %s && mv ../%s.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf %s.tar.gz && chmod +x ./%s.queue && ./%s.queue' % (self.executionpath,dirname,dirname,dirname,dirname,dirname,modelname,modelname) issmssh(,self.login,self.port,launchcommand)
# }}}
[docs] def Download(self,dirname,filelist): # {{{ #copy files from cluster to current directory directory='%s/%s/' % (self.executionpath,dirname) issmscpin(,self.login,self.port,directory,filelist)
# }}}