Source code for issm.arch

import numpy as np
import math
import struct
import sys
import os
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]def archwrite(filename,*args): # {{{ """ ARCHWRITE - Write data to a field, given the file name, field name, and data. Usage: archwrite('archive101.arch','variable_name',data); """ nargs=len(args); if nargs % 2 != 0 : raise ValueError('Incorrect number of arguments.') # open file try: if not os.path.isfile(filename): fid=open(filename,'wb') else: fid=open(filename,'ab') except IOError as e: raise IOError("archwrite error: could not open '%s' to write to." % filename) nfields=len(args)/2 # generate data to write for i in range(nfields): # write field name name=args[2*i] write_field_name(fid,name) # write data associated with field name data=args[2*i+1] code=format_archive_code(data) if code==1: raise ValueError("archwrite : error writing data, string should not be written as field data") elif code==2: write_scalar(fid,data) elif code==3: write_vector(fid,data) else: raise ValueError("archwrite : error writing data, invalid code entered '%d'" % code) fid.close()
# }}}
[docs]def archread(filename,fieldname): # {{{ """ ARCHREAD - Given an arch file name, and a field name, find and return the data associated with that field name. Usage: archread('archive101.arch','field_var_1') """ try: if os.path.isfile(filename): fid=open(filename,'rb') else: raise IOError("archread error : file '%s' does not exist" % filename) except IOError as e: raise IOError("archread error : could not open file '%s' to read from" % filename) archive_results=[] # read first result result=read_field(fid) while result: if fieldname == result['field_name']: # found the data we wanted archive_results=result['data']; # we only want the data break # read next result result=read_field(fid) # close file fid.close() return archive_results
# }}}
[docs]def archdisp(filename): # {{{ """ ARCHDISP - Given an arch filename, display the contents of that file Usage: archdisp('archive101.arch') """ try: if os.path.isfile(filename): fid=open(filename,'rb') else: raise IOError("archread error : file '%s' does not exist" % filename) except IOError as e: raise IOError("archread error : could not open file '%s' to read from" % filename) print 'Source file: ' print '\t{0}'.format(filename) print 'Variables: ' result=read_field(fid) while result: print '\t{0}'.format(result['field_name']) print '\t\tSize:\t\t{0}'.format(result['size']) print '\t\tDatatype:\t{0}'.format(result['data_type']) # go to next result result=read_field(fid) # close file fid.close()
# }}} # Helper functions
[docs]def write_field_name(fid,data): # {{{ """ Routine to write field name (variable name) to an archive file. """ # write the length of the record # length to write + string size (len) + format code reclen=len(data)+4+4 fid.write(struct.pack('>i',reclen)) # write format code code=format_archive_code(data); if code != 1: raise TypeError("archwrite : error writing field name, expected string, but got %s" % type(data)) fid.write(struct.pack('>i',1)) # write string length, and then the string fid.write(struct.pack('>i',len(data))) fid.write(struct.pack('>%ds' % len(data),data))
# }}}
[docs]def write_scalar(fid,data): # {{{ """ Procedure to write a double to an arch file pointed to by fid """ # write length of record # double (8 bytes) + format code (4 bytes) reclen=8+4 fid.write(struct.pack('>i',reclen)) # write the format code (2 for scalar) fid.write(struct.pack('>i',2)) # write the double fid.write(struct.pack('>d',data))
# }}}
[docs]def write_vector(fid,data): # {{{ """ Procedure to write a np.array to an arch file """ # Make sure our vector is the correct shape. # Reshape it into a row vector if it is not correct. if isinstance(data,(bool,int,long,float)): data=np.array([data]) elif isinstance(data,(list,tuple)): data=np.array(data).reshape(-1,) if np.ndim(data) == 1: if np.size(data): data=data.reshape(np.size(data),) else: data=data.reshape(0,0) # get size of data sz=data.shape # write length of record # format code + row size + col size + (double size * row amt * col amt) reclen=4+4+4+8*sz[0]*sz[1] # make sure we can fit data into file if reclen>2**31: raise ValueError("archwrite error : can not write vector to binary file because it is too large") fid.write(struct.pack('>i',reclen)) # write format code fid.write(struct.pack('>i',3)) # write vector fid.write(struct.pack('>i',sz[0])) fid.write(struct.pack('>i',sz[1])) for i in xrange(sz[0]): for j in xrange(sz[1]): fid.write(struct.pack('>d',float(data[i][j])))
# }}}
[docs]def read_field(fid): # {{{ """ Procedure to read a field and return a results list with the following attributes: result['field_name'] -> the name of the variable that was just read result['size'] -> size (dimensions) of the variable just read result['data_type'] -> the type of data that was just read result['data'] -> the actual data """ try: # first, read the string reclen=struct.unpack('>i','>i')))[0] check_name=struct.unpack('>i','>i')))[0] if check_name != 1: raise ValueError('archread error : a string was not present at the start of the arch file') namelen=struct.unpack('>i','>i')))[0] fieldname=struct.unpack('>%ds' % namelen,[0] # then, read the data datalen=struct.unpack('>i','>i')))[0] data_type=struct.unpack('>i','>i')))[0] if data_type==2: # unpack scalar data=struct.unpack('>d','>d')))[0] elif data_type==3: rows=struct.unpack('>i','>i')))[0] cols=struct.unpack('>i','>i')))[0] raw_data=np.zeros(shape=(rows,cols),dtype=float) for i in xrange(rows): raw_data[i,:]=struct.unpack('>%dd' % cols,*struct.calcsize('>d'))) # The matrix will be unpacked in order and will be filled left -> right by column # We need to reshape and transpose the matrix so it can be read correctly data=raw_data.reshape(raw_data.shape[::-1]).T else: raise TypeError("Cannot read data type %d" % data_type) # give additional data to user if data_type==2: data_size='1x1' data_type_str='double' elif data_type==3: data_size='{0}x{1}'.format(rows,cols) data_type_str='vector/matrix' result=OrderedDict() result['field_name']=fieldname result['size']=data_size result['data_type']=data_type_str result['data']=data except struct.error as e: result=None return result
# }}}
[docs]def format_archive_code(format): # {{{ """ Given a variable, determine it's type and return an integer value: 1 : string 2 : double (scalar) 3 : vector or matrix (of type double) """ if isinstance(format,basestring): code=1 elif format.shape[0] == 1 and format.shape[1] == 1: code=2 elif isinstance(format,(list,tuple,np.ndarray)): code=3 else: raise TypeError("archwrite error: data type '%s' is not valid." % type(format)) return code
# }}}