from MeshProfileIntersection_python import MeshProfileIntersection_python
[docs]def MeshProfileIntersection(index,x,y,filename):
MESHPROFILEINTERSECTION - Takes a .exp file (made of several profiles), and figures out its intersection with a mesh
index,x,y is a triangulation
filename: name of Argus style .exp file containing the segments (can be groups of disconnected segments)
segments: array made of x1,y1,x2,y2,element_id lines (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are segment extremities for a segment
belonging to the elemnt_id element. there are as many lines in segments as there are segments intersecting the
# Call mex module
segments = MeshProfileIntersection_python(index,x,y,filename)
# Return
return segments