Source code for issm.InterpFromGridToMesh

from InterpFromGridToMesh_python import InterpFromGridToMesh_python

[docs]def InterpFromGridToMesh(x,y,data,x_mesh,y_mesh,default_value): """ INTERPFROMGRIDTOMESH - Interpolation from a grid onto a list of points Usage: data_mesh=InterpFromGridToMesh(x,y,data,x_mesh,y_mesh,default_value); data: matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh x,y: coordinates of matrix data (x and y must be in increasing order) x_mesh,y_mesh: coordinates of the points onto which we interpolate default_value: vector of mesh interpolated data Example: load('velocities.mat'); md.inversion.vx_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(x_n,y_m,vx,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,0); """ # Call mex module data_mesh=InterpFromGridToMesh_python(x,y,data,x_mesh,y_mesh,default_value) # Return return data_mesh